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Best Exercises for Mental Strength

Mental strength involves more than just willpower; it requires hard work and commitment. It’s about establishing healthy habits and choosing to devote your time and energy to self-improvement.

Although it’s easier to feel mentally strong when life seems simple — often, true mental strength becomes most apparent in the midst of tragedy. Choosing to develop skills that increase your mental strength is the best way to prepare for life’s inevitable obstacles.

Many exercises exist that can help you develop mental strength. 

Mental Strength

1 . Take Cold Showers

“When we take cold showers, we boost our endocrine function, lymph circulation which boosts immune system, and blood circulation,” Arrington says.“ In the yogic tradition, the cold shower is a recommended part of one’s daily morning ritual.

2. Wait a Few Minutes to Eat When You’re Hungry

“Tolerating an extra five-to-10 minutes of hunger builds patience,” . you know you’re going to eat. But rather than rushing in to fix it, you sit with it.”

3. Do the Thing You Don’t Want to Do (for 10 Minutes)

When there’s something you really don’t want to do — like workout or tackle a boring report — tell yourself you only have to do it for 10 minutes.

4. Work Out Without Music or TV

Working out is obviously a great way to boost your physical and mental strength. But when you’re doing it while listening to music or watching TV, you’re distracting yourself and limiting your opportunity to experience and build tolerance for being uncomfortable.

5. Sit with Your Feelings

The next time you start to feel lonely, mad, anxious, sad, scared, or jealous, pause for a moment. Notice if you were about to grab your phone to scroll through Instagram or check your email, or about to turn on the XBox or grab a beer. Fight the urge and instead, sit down or lay down (face down is helpful) and close your eyes. See if you can locate a physical sensation in your body.

6. Now (and Throughout the Day), Name Your Feelings

It’s sometimes hard to put a name to your feelings. It might even be tough to admit to yourself when you’re nervous or sad. But research shows labeling your emotions takes a lot of the sting out of them. So check in with yourself a few times a day and ask yourself how you’re feeling.

7. Breathe Deeply

Whether as part of formal meditation or on an as-needed basis, deep breathing is essential for developing mental toughness. It allows you to better regu There’s a big difference between “being strong” and “acting tough.” Acting tough is about pretending you don’t have any problems. Being strong is about admitting you don’t have all the answers. While it might feel uncomfortable, talking to someone can help you develop mental toughness and become better. late your thoughts, feelings, and, well, breathing when the going gets rough.

8. Talk to Someone

There’s a big difference between “being strong” and “acting tough.” Acting tough is about pretending you don’t have any problems. Being strong is about admitting you don’t have all the answers. While it might feel uncomfortable, talking to someone can help you develop mental toughness and become better.

9. Practice Gratitude

“Look for things you can be thankful for every day and you’ll boost your mental muscle.”

10. Admit Mistakes

“Admitting your mistakes frees you from guilt,”