If you’ve noticed that you need more then 9 hours of sleep to feel rested, it can be a sign that you are suffering from a health issue. Especially if you’ve been falling asleep in unpredictable places and at unpredictable times. That is why it is essential to look a little deeper into the cause of your oversleeping issue. In most cases, oversleeping is overlooked, as most think that it is due to long work hours. But not paying attention to this can lead to you ignoring the true problem which can have some bad side effects.
Bhaskar Health has information for you about the cause of oversleeping and feeling too tired even after 12 hours of sleep. And remember, it is not about being a “good sleeper.”
Disclaimer: Please remember that this article is for informational purposes only. In order to get professional advice and a diagnosis, please see your doctor.
You might be suffering from hypersomnia.
The opposite of insomnia, hypersomnia, is a condition known for increased sleep duration during the night or day. In fact, suffering from this condition can also mean you experience daytime sleepiness. In this case, you might be able to fall asleep even when you are driving or are at work. Even when sleeping more than the recommended amount, you will most likely feel tired and exhausted.
You might be depressed.
While some adults experience insomnia as a sign of depression there is a percentage of adults, as well as children and teens, who experience oversleeping due to this condition. If you are neglecting or unaware of the fact that you are suffering from depression, oversleeping can be a sign that you shouldn’t ignore.
Your heart might be the cause.
One of the signs that you might be suffering from a heart-related disease can be oversleeping. This also includes daytime sleepiness. While you might be feeling tired and exhausted, it might not be because you have worked a lot. That is why it is not easy to differentiate if your problem with sleeping more then 9 hours in a 24-hour cycle can be related to heart issues.
You should consider checking your thyroid.
There are 2 types of thyroid issues that affect sleep. While one of them causes insomnia, the other causes oversleeping or the feeling of being tired all the time. Hypothyroidism is related to sleeping more than 10+ hours a day and can cause daytime fatigue and sleep. If you don’t suffer from any other health problems, but you are sleeping more than the recommended hours, it is wise to check your thyroid.
You might be sleeping more during a specific season.
This is a disorder also known as SAD. Different seasons have a different impact on those who struggle with this health issue. Oversleeping falls under the winter-onset of SAD, which is also known as winter depression.
You are sleeping less than 6 hours per night.
Yes, not getting the right amount of sleep can cause serious oversleeping problems. Whether by choice or due to other factors, lack of sleep can make you sleep more than usual. Your sleeping period should be calm, relaxing, and undisturbed. If not, you might end up sleeping more hours during the day, including daytime naps.
Your sleep might be disturbed by obstructive sleep apnea.
Obstructive sleep apnea happens when there is a blockage in the air pathways, the upper airways end up collapsing for 10 seconds, and this can happen up to hundreds of times a night. Due to this, our sleep gets disturbed multiple times per night and we need more hours of sleep to feel rested. When we don’t get those hours of sleep, daytime sleepiness occurs. It seems like you are able to fall asleep everywhere and at any time, and many of us might call this being a “good sleeper.”
How many hours do you sleep a day? Have you noticed any health conditions that might be the reason for your oversleeping?