Diseases & Conditions

Is Alzheimer's Disease Transmissible?

Overview of Alzheimer's The exact cause of the disorder is not yet established. However, several pieces of evidence…

Alzheimer's Disease Epidemiology

Alzheimer's disease is a neuropsychological ailment characterized by progressive degeneration of neurons, which res…

Alzheimer's Disease Treatments

Alzheimer's Disease Treatments

While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, there are medications that can prevent or slow down progression of the …

Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis

Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis

Alzheimer’s disease is difficult to diagnose, particularly when it is in the early stages. As the symptoms of Alzheimer…

Alzheimer's Disease Symptoms

Alzheimer's Disease Symptoms

As a progressive condition, Alzheimer’s disease symptoms develop gradually and become more severe over time.In many peo…

Alzheimer's Disease Causes

Alzheimer's Disease Causes

The exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease is not clearly understood, but patients with the condition have been found to ha…

What is Anoxia?

Oxygen is essential for numerous processes in the body, including energy production and respiration. Anoxia is an extre…

What is Anorexia Nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder characterized by the restriction of energy intake which leads to significan…

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