Human Anatomy

Internal Anatomy of Kidneys

The paired kidneys lie on either side of the spine in the retroperitoneal space between the parietal peritoneum and the…

External Anatomy of the Kidneys

The paired kidneys lie on either side of the spine in the retroperitoneal space between the parietal peritoneum and the…

Clavicle Bone Anatomy

It is often difficult to determine the correct orientation of a disarticulated clavicle due to its relatively small siz…

Scapula Bone Anatomy

The scapula or shoulder blade is a flat, triangular-shaped bone that  lies adjacent  to the posterior surface of ribs 2…

Urinary System Anatomy and Function

Kidneys The  kidneys  are a pair of bean-shaped organs found along the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity. The left…

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