What & Why

Are Maggi Noodles Bad for Health?

I will not be talking about Lead content/MSG controversy. That is all over the news/internet/social networks anyways. I…

What are the Benefits of Massage?

Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Massage may…

Are Protein Powders Safe?

Protein powder is popular amongst athletes and fitness gurus for helping build muscle and boost physical performance. B…

How Do I Avoid Health Anxiety?

The fear and worry that occurs in response to living with a chronic illness have been called health anxiety. It consist…

Why are Energy Drinks Bad for Health?

Spoken from a health enthusiast perspective alone. What you will find in energy drinks that you won't find in coffe…

How Can Stress Destroy Your Body?

“Stress”  is an engineering word that refers to loading a system. In Static systems, like beams, columns, etc., it is m…

Are Tattoos Harmful to Health?

Most of us consider human skin as just a tunic, but it is actually much more than a simple wrapper. It shields and prot…

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